Thursday 14 June 2012

 I am going to let Claire do most of the Blogging because she is better at it.  I thought that some people might like to see some of the areas that we are visiting.  The pictures below are from the Darien district of Panama.  Very rural but good soils for the tropics and lots of natural forest remaining (though it's not protected so will probably be cut soon). We had a long day of walking and riding horses around the valley after a 6 am departure and slippery drive in that included a river crossing that could have trapped us on the wrong side if it decided to rain.  We had good luck though and a good (but long) day.

1 comment:

  1. Those horses were phenomenal. They trekked for 6 hours through mud, rivers, forest and mine even jumped logs across one stretch of river! They didn't refuse or complain, even during the hottest and most humid part of the day. Truly amazing creatures.
